Industrial shed to home
23rd November 2017 11:58 am Comments Off on Industrial shed to homeA new permitted development right allowing light industrial buildings to be used for residential purposes without the need for planning permission came into effect on 1st October 2017. The change of use will be subject to a process of prior approval from the Local Planning Authority similar to that applicable when looking to change offices to residential purposes. There are of course conditions and limitations and the opportunity for Local Planning Authorities to potentially withdraw these rights by making what is known as an Article 4 direction.
The permitted development is subject to the gross floor space of the building not exceeding 500 square metres. That however could make for a very substantial home if it were to be a single dwelling and could accommodate 8 or possibly more flats.
Michael Stone believes that this additional permitted development right will be of particular interest where the industrial unit is in an existing residential or countryside location and is soundly built with good natural daylight to the interior. Planning permission for external alterations will still be needed.
It is also necessary to provide evidence that the building was used solely for light industrial use purposes on 19th March 2014 or that must have been its last use. The applicant is required to submit a statement evidencing this and of course Colemans can help produce statements of this nature and help assemble useful evidence to support any such statement.
Even where light industrial buildings do not readily lend themselves to a change of use to residential purposes, getting a prior approval could pave the way for a successful planning application for a more suitable building.
If you own a light industrial building or buildings each of less than 500 square metres this is a potential investment opportunity particularly with residential values being considerably greater than that of the equivalent light industrial space.
For guidance on how to make the most of this opportunity and for assistance with statements evidencing light industrial use contact Michael Stone on 01628 631051 or michael.stone@colemans.huntersserver.co.uk
Categorised in: Residential Property
This post was written by Colemans Solicitors LLP