Wills, probate and trusts

Death is an inevitable part of life but according to research, only one in three of us ever make a Will. Planning what will happen to your estate and effects when you’re no longer around is vital.

If someone dies without a Will, their relatives will have no say over who gets what and when. Some jointly-held assets may pass automatically to the co-owner, and the statutory Intestacy Rules will divide what is left among other relatives. You may also end up giving more to the Government in taxes than you need to; so who would you rather inherit – your family or the Government?

Even more importantly, if you have children and die without a Will, there will be no control over who will take in and bring up your children, who will manage their money until they are old enough, or over when “old enough” will be.
Setting up a Trust within your Will or even beforehand is a sensible way to protect assets or ‘ring fence’ funds for beneficiaries who may require ongoing support before or after you die.
Reducing the amount of Inheritance Tax and ensuring your beneficiaries receive more of your hard earned estate requires early planning. The most efficient and effective solutions require action well before you die, so don’t leave it too late.
Then there is the question of Probate – the winding up of someone’s estate when they die. With or without a Will, this process can be confusing and long-winded, especially amid the sadness and grief of loss. It’s a time when it makes sense to seek a skilled practitioner in this field.

Don’t leave life planning to chance… Consult Colemans today.

We’re highly experienced in this field of law. We’re also renowned for our sensitive and sympathetic approach. Solicitor and Head of Department Michael Cutler has worked in this specialised area for over 20 years. Michael is especially skilled in dealing with complex Wills and Trusts and in 1995, he was admitted to membership of the prestigious Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), the worldwide professional association, for those advising families across generations.

Wills, Probate and Trusts – our areas of expertise…

  • Wills. Advice, support, planning and facilitation – Individual Wills; Mirror Wills (couples); Inheritance Tax. Read more…
  • Probate. Advice, support, guidance and facilitation on immediate and shorter-term steps to take when someone has died. Deeds of Variation where beneficiaries agree a better outcome than an out of date Will provides. Read more…
  • Trusts. Guidance and explanation, aligned to your Will, of how planning and creating a Trust may fit your circumstances for asset and family member protection and ongoing provision. Read more…

Need to plan ahead for your estate and effects? Consult Colemans.

…We’re a winning combination of legal knowledge, experience and service.

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