Planning Permission
11th December 2015 9:39 am Comments Off on Planning PermissionPlanning permission granted to extend and convert Colemans’ offices to flats.
On Wednesday 25 November the Maidenhead Development Control Panel unanimously resolved to grant planning permission for the redevelopment of Colemans’ offices which involved partially converting the existing building and further extending it to create ten two bedroom flats and one one bedroom flat. The decision had been deferred following objections from local residents in Spur House but following a detailed written submission from Colemans’ Head of Commercial Property and Town and Country Planning, Mike Stone, and his presentation to the Panel on the evening, they unanimously resolved to grant planning permission. Mike Stone carefully explained the planning history and the steps that had been taken in the design process to minimise impact on the adjoining property. Mike felt it was very important to convey the fact that raising the height of Colemans’ building re-established the property in the street scene rather than being excessively tall. A useful drawing was sent to the Panel Members showing the size and scale of the property not only in relation to adjoining properties but also in relation to the very substantial Commonwealth War Graves Commission building opposite.
Following the Panel’s decision Mike Stone said:-
“It was very important to establish with the Panel the lengthy steps Colemans had gone to in the planning process to secure this permission and also to deal with the objections raised by adjoining residents. Sometimes emotive issues are raised by objectors which really have no planning merit, such as the construction process will be disruptive or the new building will devalue my property. It can be quite important at local level to actually deal with these objections to avoid the possibility of an irrational and emotional decision being made as no one wants to go to the time and trouble of going to appeal if it can be avoided”.
The Scheme has a number of merits which Mike was keen to emphasise, namely:-
- It represents a windfall of 11 residential dwellings in the Council’s quest to meet its housing targets.
- It will allow Colemans to relocate to more suitable office accommodation which will help them work more efficiently.
- It represents a significant improvement in design and appearance to the existing building, with those retained parts getting a serious makeover and with an attractive extension which will improve the street scene.
- In a small but not insignificant way, it makes a contribution to the regeneration of Maidenhead as incremental improvements help to achieve the objective of a vibrant and reinvigorated Maidenhead Town Centre.
It is hoped that building work will start in June 2016. Colemans will be relocating and fitting out new premises in the lead up to the start of building work.
If you need advice on the legal aspects of Town and Country Planning or planning strategy, contact Mike Stone at michael.stone@colemans.huntersserver.co.uk or by telephone on 01628 631051.
Categorised in: Commercial Property, Latest news
This post was written by Colemans Solicitors LLP