The Importance of LPAs
12th April 2021 12:40 pm Comments Off on The Importance of LPAsThe nightmarish experiences of Kate Garraway in trying to cope with the consequences of her husband Derek Draper’s incapacitation by COVID have been made even worse, as she has explained, because the couple had not made Lasting Powers of Attorney.
This has left her unable to get hold of critical financial assets, and with no right to make decisions about her husband’s treatment, or even to see his medical records.
This underlines our consistent advice that Lasting Powers of Attorney are crucial documents which everyone should consider making.
However, they have to be made in the right way. Lasting Powers of Attorney are deceptively simple in appearance, but they are powerful documents, operating in a complex legal framework.
Our experience has shown that it is critical that everyone concerned has a solid understanding of both the legal powers and duties arising under Lasting Powers of Attorney, and the sometimes-challenging problems of making them work in practice.
At Colemans, we not only take our clients carefully through all this, but also engage with the attorneys (usually the adult children, but often other relatives or old friends), so that everyone concerned has a full understanding of what is involved.
This is what we said most recently about Lasting Powers of Attorney https://colemans.co.uk/what-if-im-too-ill-to-manage-for-myself/.
At Colemans, we have extensive experience of helping clients and their families with this complex area of law. For more information, please contact a member of our experienced and specialist Private Client team by calling us on 01628 631051 or email private.client@colemans.huntersserver.co.uk to arrange a meeting.
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This post was written by Colemans Solicitors LLP